Monday, September 22, 2008

Say Hello,Wave Goodbye!™ Series #4

This is a a continuation of our series on achieving success. Many of us are plagued with habits that keep us from being the best that we can be in our job, our career, or in life. Say Hello,Wave Goodbye!™ is an innovative coaching approach that removes those destructive habits and allows you to move forward and gain success. This series of blogs addresses the 12 most common habits that hold you back. They are called Core Dynamics of Common Problems™, which are excerpted from my chapter in the book, Coaching for Success (2008). You’ll learn why you are stuck and how the removal of these dynamics will set you free to pursue your goals. Last time we covered Being Judgmental. This issue will cover Getting Distracted.

4. Getting Distracted

When this dynamic is operating, we’re avoiding the present. We don’t deal with the here and now and instead get lost in stories that we created about past events or we start possibly projecting negative outcomes into the future. We avoid being present because we fear that if we do stay present we won’t be able to deal with whatever feelings come up.

Remarkably, the fear of the feeling is often worse than dealing with the feeling itself. Many addictions that people experience are a result of a number of unresolved emotions about the past. They feel it’s too intense to deal with the present. They often numb themselves with addictions whether it is smoking, eating, drinking, or drugs because they do not want to feel the intensity of what might come up if they allowed themselves to stay present.

In business, managers sometimes ignore harsh realities and bury their head in the sand because it could be too frightening to think about the business going under, job loss, or other consequences. Once this dynamic is dismantled, people feel they can live completely present and in the moment. Decisions improve.

Stay tuned for #5: Lacking Self-Esteem

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